Sugar Routes, 2013

1- Sugar Routes, 2013
4 Digital C-Types
Dimension: 144 x 180cm each 

Installation view: Disenchanted Matters at Galerie Plutschow & Felchlin
Photo by Martin Rütschi

Commissioned by Marseille Provence 2013, European Capital of Culture and the Port of Marseille

Warehouse partially empty but mounds of sugar still high at far end 
2- Sugar Routes I
Dimension: 144 x 180cm 

Commissioned by Marseille Provence 2013, European Capital of Culture and the Port of Marseille

Sugar in warehouse showing signs of vehicle tracks 
3- Sugar Routes II
Dimension: 144 x 180cm
Sugar mounds in a warehouse with vehicle tracks on it combining to form a scale like pattern 
4- Sugar Routes III
Dimension: 144 x 180cm 

5- Sugar Routes IV
Dimension: 144 x 180cm
6- Sugar Routes V
Dimension: 144 x 180cm 

7- Sugar Routes VI
Dimension: 144 x 180cm